I understand a good majority do not like Donald Trump and the way he has ran the United States up until now. But impeachment has qualifications that the government follow, obviously if these rules or crimes were committed then the government would not hesitate to investigate and get a case started for impeachment of the president. The qualifications are "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". Now, so far, there is no evidence that Donald Trump is guilty of these or a record of past incidences that could impeach him. Many of us do not like him and are disgraced that we have him as a president that we can not catch something that is not there.
Andrea Owen
I understand your concern with President Trumps shadiness, but unfortunately being shady is not against the law. I have to disagree with your want to impeach him, as even though you may not agree with his policies and beliefs, he has not committed crime that is worthy of impeachment.
My response:
I would have to agree with andrea on this one because they have not found anything on him or even something in the pass that they could bring up in court for impeachment. His beliefs and policies are disagreeable and not likable towards us but if there is nothing to grab then there is nothing to hold unto to. Great point Andrea.
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